Fabulous fun finds

Fabulous Fun Finds Baby Shower Blast

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Need Sleep!!!

These past few weeks I have been running on E. I feel like a zombie. Leia's sleep schedule is out of whack. Ever since she started teething, she falls asleep around 8 or 9, then she's up again at 1 or 2 and she won't hit the hay til 3-4am. I tried putting her to sleep @ 11 last night hoping she would wake up later, but then she woke up at 3 and didn't go to sleep til OMG...9am!! Nia was up already, so that means no sleep for me. I tried to sneak in a few minutes here and there, but Nia needs to constantly be fed, entertained or just likes to bother me while a lay down. Leia is still asleep right now...I could be sleeping/relaxing too, but Nia is home today and there's no way she's going to let me rest. So i'm just going to keep on truckin'!! PRESS ON!! They also both have colds..I feel like I'm started to come down with one as well...probably because of the lack of sleep/energy. hopefully Leia and I will get back to sleeping through the night, soon!!!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

crawling,teething, talking....

It has been a super long time since I've posted a blog. We have been pretty busy lately. The girls are doing very well and have gone through many changes these past few months. Nia has started her new school year at Merryhill. She is now in the Intermediate class. She goes every MWF full days. She had some trouble adjusting to being there full days. She cried the first week because she was not used to taking naps there. Now she is doing just fine and enjoys playing and learning with all her friends. She is FINALLY starting to open up to her teachers, which is great. She has many new songs that she has learned and even makes up her own. Right now she is sooo set on having a birthday party. Everyday she asks if today is her birthday. She really loves birthdays, it doesn't matter whose it is, just as long as there are people around celebrating she is happy. She is already planning her 4th birthday. At first she wanted the Disney Princess theme, now she wants Candyland. We'll see what it will be come December. She's getting smarter and more headstrong by the second. It's amazing how much she remembers. Kevin took her to school today and stayed while they did circle time. They were going over counting in Spanish and he said the only one who counted to ten in Spanish was Nia!! So proud of her.
As for Leia, Oh Boy!!! She is a crawling machine. We constantly have to keep a close eye on her, because once you turn around, she's in a different spot trying to pull herself up. Right now, she's just exploring any and everything. Her teeth are starting to pop out too, so she's been a little fussy lately. She's still the sweetest thing. I really think she is going to walk earlier than Nia. Nia started walking at 11 1/2 months..Leia is already pulling herself up and wanting to stand alone , but she doesn't have the balance thing down yet. She can also wave and clap her hands. I swear she says "Hi!" I think Byron has a video clip of her saying it. :)
We took them to The Picture People last week to get their pics taken, finally! & boy did i work up a sweat trying to get Leia to smile. She didn't even crack a smirk. So many of the pictures were of Nia. WE got a few good shots of them together. Hopefully the next time we go Leia will be more cooperative.
We also went to the SF zoo with May, her sister Lovelehn and Lorenzo. We had a really good time. Nia loved it. She loves animals. WE will be visiting the Sac Zoo tomorrow with Annie and Sabrina. Nia can't wait.
That's about all for now.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

hello dolly

Well my dolls have been keeping me on my toes lately. I can't leave them alone for a minute without one making a mess, the other one crying or needing/ wanting something. Oh the joys of motherhood. But overall I've never laughed/smiled so much before in my life. Nia is just as crazy as ever. Right now she's totally into her imaginary friends. I catch her talking to them every now and then. They are usually her classmates or cartoon characters. She also loves when I do the Elmo puppet for her. she talks to him as if he's real, but yet she knows i'm the one doing his voice. She makes me want to be a kid again. She has also mastered her negotiating skills. She negotiates EVERYTHING..from taking a bath, to eating food, to candy, brushing teeth, cleaning up her mess...she's out of control. but like the fools that we are, we give in. ( not all the time, but most of the time)
here are some of her favorite things right now:
color: pink
cartoon: Dora
song: beyonce-single ladies
animal: bear
fruit: apple
vegetable: celery & carrots
sport: volleyball
food: spaghetti
....well, i tried to ask her a few more of her favorites, but she just kept saying PINK! :)

Leia is now 5 months old. She had a doctors appointment last week and it went well. She is 15 lbs and 4 oz and is 25 inches long. she is right on track with everything which is good. She can hold her head up, roll over and can almost sit up by herself. Right now she's a little under the weather with a runny nose and cough. It's really hard to tell how sick she is sometimes because she doesn't get overly fussy and still eats and sleeps the same. We really have to count our blessings when it comes to the girls health because we know there are a lot of children out there who are in and out of the hospital and have to deal with all kind of ailments. So we are very lucky to have such normal, happy & healthy kids. Leia is such a great little baby, we just love to smother her with hugs and kisses (that's probably how she got sick) but we just can't help it. She has the best laugh and the cutest smile and dimple. Her eyes have changed color, when the doctor saw her she noticed they were green..but now i think they have gotten a little darker. But she's still the prettiest little thing. She's been drooling A LOT lately. we are constantly changing her clothes or bibs. She also received some great new items ...she got a high-chair from Annie and Randy and a jumperoo from Kevin and I. She loves eating in her high chair and now she won't be so left out when we all eat dinner. She also loves playing in her jumperoo, although she does get frustrated when she can't get a hold of the toy that she wants. She has the same tempermant as Nia when it comes to getting what they want. They both get frustrated so easily when they can't get a certain toy just right. I think they are going to be little perfectionist's as they grow. i have to constantly tell them to relax and try again. i think they get that trait from their Dad. :)
I forgot to mention a couple of weekends ago we made a trip out to San Francisco for a baptism for my god-daughter Laurie ( Bing's baby girl) . Both of the girls did really well in the car..this was Leia's first road trip. Nia of course was asking "are we there yet" ten minutes into the car ride. We stayed at the Sheraton hotel and actually met up with the Mayo's who stayed in the room adjacent to ours. If they weren't there i don't know how well the trip would have gone, they definitely helped in keeping an eye on the girls as we had to get ready early in the morning for the baptism. Hopefully we will be able to make another trip out there soon and have a more relaxing time.
Here are some recent pics of the girls:

Leia testing out the high chair
Leia in her jumperoo
Sisterly love
face paint from Dilly Dally the clown

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Rollin' with Leia

Leia has accomplished a few exciting things the past few weeks. We are so very proud of her. After her 4 month birthday we felt that she was ready to start eating rice cereal. Her Doctor had already let us know that by 4 months we could start her on solids. She took to it very well. The first few servings were very watery, but she slurped it up and seemed to enjoy it. After about a week of watered down rice cereal, I decided she was ready for a little thicker consistency. Although she seemed ready and willing, her body totally disagreed. :( She had not had a bowel movement for about 5 whole days and it got us pretty worried because she is so regular. It didn't seem to bother her that much. She wasn't unusually fussy nor did she cry any more than before, but as we all know it's not very fun to be "stuffed" up. So we had to step in and see if we could help her out. I gave her apple-prune juice, fed her baby food prunes, massaged her belly and NOTHING. So we had to go there...that's right, Glycerin Suppositories!! Not so much fun, but they have a newer version(Thank goodness) They look like little suction bulbs filled with liquid glycerin.it took less than 5 minutes for Leia to be relieved!! WOOHOO! & we could tell right away that she felt so much better.
Another big step for Leia is she is now rolling over from her back to her front. Usually babies roll from stomach to back, the doctor said that's easier for babies to do, but not our little superstar. For awhile now she's been pretty wiggly while she lays on the floor. I'd place her in the middle of a blanket on the ground and go do dishes, check e-mails or what not and then come back to find her completely off the blanket. Just this past week though she had been flipping her leg over and really trying to get on her stomach, but she just didn't have the extra uumph to get over..until today!!! Butch, myself, grandma Lorna and Nia were all here to witness it and even caught a video clip of it. I will post it up asap.
I have much more to write but it's getting late and they are both asleep..for now! So I need to get some rest before one of them wake up.

Monday, March 30, 2009


Here are some new pics of the girls....Enjoy!

Nia playing in her tunnel(from Annie & Randy)
The pretty girl on Valentine's Day with an outfit from Tita Lourds!
Nia's school picture.
Beautiful baby
Nia on St. Patty's day with a dress from her Ninong Richie
Nia @ the Farmers Market with Baja the horse.
Leia posing pretty on St. Patty's day. (she didn't have anything green)
Kevin & Leia, sporting her new shades.
Leia hanging out.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

messed up

so something happened to my other blogspot for the girls. so now i am starting a new one. i tried to copy all the other entries on here, but i can 't get the pictures..well, i just don't have the time to upload them. i will post some new ones later.